



2008-11-20 18:25 阅读(?)评论(0)


Are you going to the demonstration to help stop the spread of nuclear weapons tommorrow,Cleo? No,Simon.I hate demonstrations.I have heard the police will be standing by with tear gas.I don't want to get involved in a riot.Besides,I don't see why the United States should be the only country allowed nuclear weapons.Yes,but North Krea is boosting it has nuclear arms is scary.Nobody knows who has and doesn't have the nuclear arms anymore.There are too many crazy people in the world.Someone has to put a stop to nuclear weapons to save the world from either a bad accident or bad people or terroists.One hundred and nighty countries have signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty but the issues are just too complex.There are two sides to every story.I don't know understand it and I have no intention of going to a demonstration.Demonstrations don't seem to accomplish anything anyway.Sevral demonstrations have changed politicians' mind throughtout history.As a responsible citizen I think it is important to stand up for what you believe in.Leave it to someone else.As I said,if you listen to both sides of a story,both sides have some good points.I am not an expert on world affairs.Why should I demonstrate and risk getting hurt for something and I am not even sure is right.You are not likely to get hurt.This will be a peaceful demonstration.I have spoken to the organizor for the university group.He has ordered 25 buses to take students downtown.He insists this will be peaceful.He advocates if you want to world peace,peace begins at home,and that means right here in this city.He has asked everyone to be calm.Placards and signs are being prepared for us to carry,but he is insisting students just march,not get angry or confrontational.You go if you want,Simon.But I plan to study for my physics exam.It will only take you two hours of your day.The buses leave the campus at 11:30,and leaves downtown to the campus at 12:45.You could have your lunch on the bus.I am not going assignment,Why don't you ask the students in your political science this afternoon if they want to go?They are all going.We discuss the weapon of medisine distruction and nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in the last tutorial.The decision about the attending the demonstation was unanimous.Of 26 of us deside we definately to go.Some students are making placards and banners tonight.I am not sure I am not to help them,and I need to study the physics exam too.It is intereating that you hold political science classes going to the demonstration.Do you have a very persuasive leader in the  class?There are a few of spoken people who can present an argument.But I think most of people have already made theirmind up to attendent the discussion.There are a lot of passes from this group.But even the more comservatived students are keen to the demonstration.Ok,Simon.I need to be my sister for coffee now.

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