



2008-11-24 14:28 阅读(?)评论(0)

The Golden Age of of American Agriculture

We call the first two decades of the 20th century the golden age of American agriculture.What were the factors that made the period the golden age of American agriculture?Who can offer some reasons?New strains of crops,improved farming methods,and what about the greater use of pesticides and fertilizers?Absolutely,technical advances continued to improve productivity.The U.S. Department of Agicultue set up demonstration farmings to show how new techniques could improve crop yields.In 1914,Congress created the Agricuture Extension Service to advise farmers and their families about everything from crop fertilizers to home sewing projects.The Department of Agriculture undertook new research,developing hogs that were fattened faster and less grain as well as fertilizers that increased grain production.New hybrids seeds that developed into healthier plants,treatments that prevented or cured animal diseases, and various mothods for controlling pests were all introduced around this time.Anything alse?Wansn't there also some kinds of population boom around then?Good.Farm price were high as demand for goods increased,and land values rose.However,the good years of 20th century ended following the World Was I,what was happening then?Maybe a lot of people,women especially,were moving from the farms to the cities.

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